Thursday, 17 December 2020

Can you turn frame pictures into drawn portraits

If you are to ask a person why to take a picture, the answers received are of different perspectives and opinions but most of them revolve around trying to capture a moment or expression. One of the method used is through drawn portraits.

Framed images at people's homes is a common view used to represent family members, keeping a memory of them. If you were to ask about the person, the story told will be a representation of how loved they are.

Pictures make re-living a story easy and fun when telling someone who was not privileged there. Most of the time, these pictures were taken without assistance from a professional photographer but when viewed later, people see the story portrayed before commenting on the picture sets.

The captured memories are what matters to most people making the preservation of these memories important for them. Drawing live images is a practice that has been done right from an early age and is still used today by both the young and old.

New inventions like the camera have made capturing memories easier and fun but it is still a wonder why some people enlist the services of portrait artists. The answer can be seen when you look at a photo and drawn picture, there are differences in how expressive they portrayed the memories captured.

Click here to know more about #portraitartists

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