Anime is widespread in Japan and originated from there itself. Anime has a tremendous fan base in every country as each series of anime has a different storyline among which you can relate as well as smears positive messages among society. Anime thrillers live on every digital platform like Netflix name it, and the true anime fan will give you a list of the must-watch anime series. It is a form of animation which firstly introduced in Japan, and as you associate the term animation is directly proportional to cartoons. The whole series includes hundreds of movies, and web series are animated. It has grown a synonym for animation, but to remember that it is not entirely concluding the whole animation industry. The anime season doesn't refer to a season but a quarter.
How does Anime season work?
serve based on nature's mood as in winter season, summer season, spring season,
and autumn season. A one cour anime will release the 13-14 episodes, while the
two cour will release 24-26 episodes, and the split cour will air for over
three months. That's how anime
season works.
- The
Winter season is the first quarter, which starts in January and ends in
- Spring
season is the second quarter, aired from April to June.
- The
summer season is the third quarter, aired from July to September.
- The
Autumn season is the 4th quarter, aired from October to December.
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