Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Important questions not to ignore while hiring tax consultants

Tax filing is not that simple as most of the people would consider it. Tax law is one of the most complicated laws in the world and there is a need to understand this law before you start filing your return. If you are hiring the services of a tax consultant, you should not just search and hire the first one appearing in google search results! There are a lot of things which must be confirmed from the consultant before you hire their services. In this article, we will highlight the most important questions which a person must ask the tax representative before hiring him for the said services.


Questions to ask:

Following are the most important questions which a person must ask and without getting satisfactory answers to these questions, no one should be hired for tax filing purposes.


·         Have you the capability of filing returns electronically?

·         How many years have you spent in the same field?

·         How many returns have been submitted by you in past few years?

·         What guarantee do you provide to your customers?

·         Can you handle all type of tax returns?


Importance of these questions:

These questions are important to ask because only then you will feel comfortable in hiring someone who can file your tax return according to the applicable law in your country. These questions are universal, and it does not matter in which country are you residing, you can use these sample questions to assess the capabilities of a tax consultant. Read more 

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