With the OSRS Questing Service, the fire making
and fishing levels will be made easier for you by the professionals who know
how to go about it. To understand the basics, check the below information.
making: There is a need to make fire and to add more logs
using the click on the right to add to fire after you have clicked on the log
until the desired level has been reached.
At between levels 1 to 15, there is a
need to burn normal logs. Though quite expensive, the first levels tend to go
by very fast.
At between level 15 to 30, you have to
burn oak logs. If you concentrate on doing that, it will not take you long to
reach level 30.
At between level 30 to 45, it is time to
burn the willow logs. They are fast XP and extremely cheap for the levels.
At levels 45 to 60, maple logs are what
you should burn. They are very cheap and offer up to 160,000 XP
Between level 60 to 99, that is the time
to burn yew logs. There will be a need for 20 mils for you to get to the 99
fire making with the yew. If you are unable to get to the 99 fire making with
the yews, then you will need to burn maple all the way to 99 as it works also.
For you to arrive at 99 fire-making levels, it will take you 80 hours using
maple or 50 hours with yew.
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